Entertainment Casting Company Discovered Exposed Personal Data of Over 260,000 People

Entertainment Casting Company Discovered Exposed Personal Data of Over 260,000 People


An unsecured database owned by MyCastingFile.com was recently discovered. The database exposed their clients, such as aspiring and current actors’ personal information. What’s worse is that some of the clients are minors.  The incident started on May 31st this year and was not discovered until the middle of June. After the discovery, the company acted swiftly, but 1GB of data with over 260,000 user profiles were already exposed.

The data included names, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers, work histories, birthdays, height and weight, ethnicity, and physical description. Anyone with a profile with the company should be on high alert for potential identity theft and could receive phishing emails.

Just to name a couple of FREE security features such as multi factor authentication and encryption of data at rest as a security practice, these types of exposure could have been mitigated. Leaving PII (Personal Identification Data) exposed, without added security measures, leaves an easy target for hackers to steal data.

Implementing multi authentication on top of passwords, is a sure way to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to data and would have avoided this unnecessary breach.

Is your network secured? Here are some questions to ask whether your network is truly protected. 
